This lab is expected to be self-paced and make sure that everyone is familiar with R and RStudio. This is a long lab, but we expect that for everyone, parts of this will be review and parts will be new. All of these concepts will continue to be reinforced in future labs.
In particular, for Data 8 students, working in R and R Studio will be new. For those students, who are more familiar with python, there are special notes about how R commands compare to python commands (if you’re coming from STAT 20, you can ignore these comments). You will find that the basic concepts from python will transfer over, and you just need to concentrate on figuring out the difference in syntax.
For Stat 20 students this will feel very familiar, but some of the programming concepts, like how to write your own function and for-loops will be new. (Data 8 students will be familiar with these concepts, but should focus on the syntax in R). Please slowly go over these sections and if you are not clear ask for help in lab or do some outside google searches to find further tutorials on these concepts.
While we give “Exercises”, nothing needs to be turned in – they are just for checking your understanding. Go at your own pace, and only do the exercises if they add to your understanding.
RStudio is an open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which provides many user-friendly features. We will use RStudio throughout the rest of the course. RStudio can be started from the desktop (i.e. your computer) or through logging into a website and accessing a web server. The user interface is generally the same for the two.
We will use the web version for labs, since this makes it easier and quicker to get going during labs. Moreover, by clicking on the links we provide you, it will also upload necessary additional files for the lab into your workspace.
We give brief instructions below for both methods, but for following this lab (and future labs), you should use the web version.
A RStudio server can be accessed via a web browser for this class. All the data storage and computation are done remotely on the server (similar to what you may have experienced in Data 8 or Stat 20).
To login in to the server, open the url for this lab here. Once successfully authenticated, you will see the following RStudio interface.
A screen shot of Rstudio on initial startup
The links we give you for lab also upload files necessary for completion of the lab (e.g. data files, code files, etc.).
The layout looks similar to that of the web version. The installation of R and RStudio is straightforward, just as installing other applications in your computer. We strongly recommend for your own convenience that if you have your own computer, download and install R and do assignments other than the lab on your own machine.
The main window is the “Console” on left panel. The symbol > is a command prompt. And this is where R evaluate your commands. For example, type the following commands in the console:
a = 1:5
You should see something like this:
Your first command in the R console
R print the outputs (except figures) in the console, right below your commands. You might notice that after you excute the command, vector a
appears in the upper right environment
window. In fact, you can always check all the value of objects you created in the environment
window. Now you may try to explore how to execute commands in the console yourself.
R allows you to go back to previous commands using up and down arrow in your keyboard. However, often times you would like to store R commands in a file. To do so, you can create an R Script by clicking File
-> New File
-> R Script
with the menu bar in the top. R will create an R script with the file extention .R
and the editor window will be invoked. R scripts is a file type that stores only R commands and comments.
Type the same commands from above into the R script.
To run one line or several line of code in an R script, put your cursor in that line or select mulitple lines, and then click the Run
Create an R script
Your working directory is the folder on your computer in which you are currently working. When you ask R to open a certain file, it will look in the working directory for this file, and when you tell R to save a data file or figure, it will save it in the working directory.
Before you start working, please set your working directory to where all your data and script files are or should be stored. You can browse and choose working directory by going to Session
-> Set working directory
-> Choose directory ...
as follows.
Change your working directory to where the uploaded lab 00 files should be:
-> 2019Fall
-> Labs
-> lab00
After doing this, you should see that the tab in the lower right marked files should show the files that you imported in starting the session
The RStudio interface contains several component:
This is where you can type simple command after the the prompt “>”. R will excute your current command and return the output in this window.
This window will contain the files you are working on, and is hidden on initial startup. This will show you files that you have opened or created. You will want to have separate files where you will save commands for editing and future use.
If you do not have any files open, this editor may not show up (like when you first opened RStudio). You can make this window appear by creating a new document (e.g. with the menu bar in the top File
-> New File
-> R Script
.) or opening a file ( File
-> Open file ...
). The editor supports multiple file type, including R script, R markdown, R notebooks, and Sweave files.
For example, open the R script example.R
in the lab 0 folder (under Stat131APublic/2019Fall/Labs/lab00) and try to run the code (you don’t have to understand the code). You can run the code by either cutting and pasting into the console, or highlighting the code and clicking Run
Try adding the following code to the example.R
file and running it:
D<-data.frame(a=1:3, b=2:4)
You can also run all the code in the file by clicking on the source
The red font with *
at the end of the file name shows that the current changes are not saved. While you are working in a file, you should save it frequently to avoid losing data unexpectedly.
In the environment window you can see the data, values and functions you created or loaded. You can view the data by clicking on them. In the example below, if you click the data frame D
you created, you can see the data on the editor window. The history window shows the commands which has been excuted.
botton. To download files from server, check the box before that file and go to More
-> Export
. This is useful, for example, if you are working on the web server, and then want to move your files to your own computer and work on your desktop version of R.After changing your working directory, you should see the files that were imported
you should see a histogram come up in this tab.C=rnorm(1000)
R can do many statistical and data analyses. They are organized in packages.
To get a list of all installed packages, go to the packages window or type library()
in the console window. If the box in front of the package name is ticked, the package is loaded (activated) and can be used.
, click install packages in the packages window and type ggplot to search and install. Or you can type install.packages("ggplot2")
in the console.library("geometry")
in the command window.Python Users: In python you would bring in modules with the command
to bring in other code; packages or libraries are the equivalent idea in R, and the commandlibrary
is like that ofimport
. In python, you can also useimport
to bring in arbitrary code that you have created that is saved in a script file (e.g. functions you have written and saved in
file). In R thelibrary
command is only for bringing in bundled packages, meaning code that has been developed and distributed in a particular format and has been installed into your R. To read in arbitrary code in a script.R
file you would use the functionsource
While R Scripts contains only R code, R Markdown enable us to create dynamic documents with embedded chunks of R code. The document can be converted to other formats such as HTML and PDF to have a “published” version. So you can develop a published report with the code embedded, ensuring that you can always recreate your work (as opposed, for example, to cutting and pasting figures or results into a text editor like Word).
Python Users: The relationship between R Scripts (
) and R Markdown (*.Rmd
) is similar to the relationship between Python scripts (*.py
) and IPython Notebooks (*.ipynb
To create an R Markdown file, click on File
-> New File
-> R Markdown
. You should now see a dialog as shown below. Select ‘Document’ in the left panel and fill in title and author field and hit ‘OK’.
You should now have a document which looks like this:
RStudio has already populated the file with example text and code to get you started (which you would obviously delete for a real assignment). The code is contained in “chunks”, which start with ```{r}
and end with ```
(each on their own line):
Extra options can be added in the ```{r}
. This code chunk has been given a descriptive name (“cars”), via ```{r cars}
To add new code chunks into the document, click in the document where you want the code chunk to go and click add chunk icon . Try to add a code chunk after the “cars” chunk that is already there. It should look like this
Add the following code into your chunk,
a=c(pi, 2, 4)
so that it looks like this
If you click on the run
icon at the top right of the chunk (triangle in chunk), the entire chunk will be run and the output will either show the results below
or will show them in the console which look like this:
Python Users: Beneath the code is similar to how IPython notebooks work
You can change between these two options under the “gear” button):
Similar as in R script file, you can instead run one or several lines of code from the R Markdown. To run several lines of code, You may select a piece of code as follows:
Click Run
and get a drop-down menu about what you want to run (there are simple key short-cuts that will show up there, but they differ on different operating systems).
To generate an HTML file, click on the icon .
It should generate the HTML in the same folder as the R Markdown file.
The above code chunk will look as follows in the HTML file:
This will run all the commands from the beginning in a fresh environment. You will often discover mistakes when you do this, even if you think you have been testing your code interactively the whole time. Running everything fresh ensures that you have reproducible code.
For example, suppose your code ran fine, you changed something, but didn’t hit run. Or if you move a chunk around and don’t realize that you moved it after another chunk that depends on the results of that chunk – if you run the chunks in the right order, you won’t get an error. But when you compile it, it won’t work.
You should always give yourself time to test your assignment before the due date, and as you finish one section/question, compile the results and see if you get what you expect rather than waiting until everything is finished.
Please refer to an introduction of Markdown Basics on how to add headers, lists and images on the markdown file and generally formatting your text.
You also have an option to create a R notebook. R notebooks create a R markdown file on your computer so they’re not so different, but R Studio treats them a little bit differently.
Create a new R Notebook (under File/New… again). It should create a file that again is populated with example code. Go to the first chunk (plot(cars)
) and hit the Run triangle for that chunk. You should see the plot appear under the code:
When you when save this notebook, it will save both the .Rmd
file and also a html file with extension .nb.html
You can see this file by going to the “Preview” button at the top (which will force you to save the file)
In the Viewer tab, you should see a html come up with the results. You can see the code and plot below, and this html has the option to hide your code.
This html file is not like the html file from our simple R markdown from before. Before, with a simple R markdown, when we “knit” our .Rmd
file, it reran all of our code from scratch and created a html of the output. This means that all the code has to be able to run in sequence correctly.
With the .nb.html
that is created, it is just a html file that mimics what actually have on your screen, namely the output of the chunk when it was last run by you in your editor is displayed.
Add the following code to your R notebook below the plot code but don’t run it
If you hit the preview button, you can scroll down and see this new code, but the actual results will not show:
If you do run the code and hit preview, you’ll see the results now show up:
This can be convenient to be able to see (and save) exactly where you are in terms of what you have tested and run. It is also much quicker than compiling the whole document, if you just want to quickly see how the html (i.e. text) will look at the end. It also allows a preview, even if part of your code isn’t finished.
Warning But it also means that you could have broken code that you haven’t run and this preview will not let you know that.
So while this preview can be handy, you still need to be able to compile it completely from scratch to know that everything works. The preview button has a drop down menu that gives you the option to do this (i.e. compile them like standard .Rmd
By clicking “Knit to html” (or pdf) you can make sure the entire thing compiles fresh from the beginning (which is what we will do in testing that your code works).
This document is compiled from a Rmarkdown, but is a little bit complicated as an introduction to Rmarkdown, because of the screenshots and python comments that we have added.
In future labs, your labs will be Rmarkdown documents. You will open them up and interact with the code we have given you as part of the lab directly in the Rmarkdown file. You will turn in your modified Rmarkdown, along with a compiled pdf version as your solution to gradescope.
But for this lab (where you do not need to turn in anything), you will need to cut and paste (or type!) the commands from the html version of this lab into your console.
Here we do a simple assignment of a number to a variable called val
val <- 3
## [1] 3
Val <- 7 # case-sensitive!
## [1] 7
## [1] 3
Val-val #you don't really need the print statement
## [1] 4
Notice the assignment operator <-
, which consists of the two characters <
(“less than”) and -
(“minus”), and must be strictly side-by-side and ‘point’ to the object receiving the value of the expression. R expression is case sensitive, which means A and a are different symbols and would refer to different variables.
The =
operator can be used as an alternative (like in python).
val = 3
## [1] 3
Val = 7 # case-sensitive!
## [1] 7
Let’s learn basic arithmetic operators
Python Users: While in Python we import
packages to do calculations such as square root and log, in R these are built-in functionalities and can be applied directly.
# add numbers
2 + 3
## [1] 5
# powers
## [1] 81
# square root
## [1] 16
# 21 mod 5
21 %% 5
## [1] 1
# take log
## [1] 2.302585
# exponential
## [1] 7.389056
# mathematical constant pi
## [1] 6.283185
# absolute value
## [1] 2
# scientific notation
5000000000 * 1000
## [1] 5e+12
# scientific notation
5e9 * 1e3
## [1] 5e+12
Python Users: The following would be the corresponding code in python for these arithmetic operations:
import math
import numpy as np
print(2 + 3) # add numbers
print(3**4) # powers
print(pow(3, 4)) # powers
print(math.sqrt(4**4)) # functions
print(21 % 5) # 21 mod 5
print(math.log(10)) # take log
print(math.exp(2)) # exponential
print(np.abs(-2)) # absolute value
print(2*math.pi) # mathematical constant
# scientific notation
print(5000000000 * 1000)
print(5e9 * 1e3)
Exercise 1. You’ve seen the probability density function of Normal distribution \(N(\mu, \sigma^2)\) in Data8/Stat 20 as follows:
\[p(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\sigma^2\pi}}\exp{-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}\]
Now let \(\mu = 1\), \(\sigma^2 = 2\), and calculate the value of the density function at \(X = 0\). Finish the chunk below
mu <- 1
sig.sq <- 2
x <- 0
# insert code here to calculate this value
You can check that you got the right answer by making sure that it is the same as the following (built-in) function in R that calculates this quantity:
dnorm(0, mean=1, sd=sqrt(2))
## [1] 0.2196956
R has similar data types as in python: numeric values, integer values, characters (i.e. strings), and logicals (i.e. booleans or TRUE/FALSE).
Python Users: In R the boolean value is
(all caps), while in Python it would beTrue
In R we can generally test what something is using functions like is.X
is.numeric("my name is")
## [1] FALSE
is.character("my name is")
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
is.integer(5) #This is false! you have to specify values to be integers, other wise they are saved as numeric (i.e. decimal valued)
## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE
Logical values generally arise from comparisons. Here we will review operators for comparing values in R.
The basic numerical comparisons are <
, <=
, >
, >=
. To do put together multiple comparisons we can require both logical statements to be true (&
) or at least one (|
Python Users: In python, the equivalent of
and of|
would beor
, i.e. python uses the words for these operations.
(1 > 0) & (3 <= 5)
## [1] TRUE
(1 < 0) | (3 > 5)
## [1] FALSE
(3 == 9/3) | (2 < 1)
## [1] TRUE
!(2 != 4/3)
## [1] FALSE
Python Users: The above would be the corresponding code in python for these logical operations:
print((1 > 0) and (3 <= 5))
print((1 < 0) or (3 > 5))
print((3 == 9/3) or (2 < 1) )
print(not(2 != 4/3))
Exercise 2 We want to use R and the function dnorm
that evalutates the normal density to answer the following questions. Recall that dnorm(x,mean=1,sd=2)
is the value of the normal density with mean 1 and standard deviation 2 evaluated at x.
.mu1 <- 1
mu2 <- 0
sig.sq <- 2
x <- 0
# Add code
# uncomment to print annswer
# print(result1)
# Add code
# uncomment to print annswer
# print(result2)
Vectors store a series of values that are of the same data type in R.
There are several ways to create an vector in R.
You can enter in comma-separated values with the function c
# set up a vector
a <- c(0.125, 4.75, -1.3)
## [1] 0.125 4.750 -1.300
Python Users: In python this would be equivalent to:
a = [0.125, 4.75, -1.3]
#Or a numpy array
a = np.array([0.125, 4.75, -1.3])
We can also use c
to combine together existing vectors
# set up another vector
b <- c(0, 1, -1, pi, exp(1))
## [1] 0.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 3.141593 2.718282
newVector <- c(a, b)
## [1] 0.125000 4.750000 -1.300000 0.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 3.141593
## [8] 2.718282
Python Users: In python this would be equivalent to
a = [0.125, 4.75, -1.3]
b = [0, 1, -1, math.pi, math.e]
print([a, b])
Vectors can also hold logical or character values
bools <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
mystring <- c("Hello", ",", " ", "world", "!")
## [1] "Hello" "," " " "world" "!"
If we have a vector of strings, we can put them together into a single string (concatenate them) with the function cat
or the function paste
to have finer control of how we combine them (cat
always puts a space between each value)
## Hello , world !
paste(mystring,collapse="")##i.e. put nothing between the values
## [1] "Hello, world!"
The function seq
generates sequences of numbers with a similar pattern. Usually it has three parameters: from
, to
, and by
, which stands for the starting value, ending value and increment of the sequence.
seq1 <- seq(from=4, to=9, by=1)
## [1] 4 5 6 7 8 9
seq2 <- seq(1.1, 11.1, by = 2)
## [1] 1.1 3.1 5.1 7.1 9.1 11.1
Python Users: Notice the difference with
, where then end value given tonp.arrange
(given bystop
) is one past the value you want:
>>> np.arange(start=4,stop=10,step=1)
array([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
You can also write function seq(from=a, to=b, by=1)
as a:b
seq3 <- 1:6
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
Getting Help More parameters are available for seq
– how to figure out how to use them? R provides easy accessible documents to search for help for functions, datasets and packages. Before asking others for help, it will always be helpful to read the documents. Documentation for a function usually includes description, usages, arguments and examples. For example, there are two ways to access the document of the function seq: ?seq
and help(seq)
Exercise 3 To create a vector with replicates, we usually use rep
as follows. Look at the documentation of rep
and figure out what these arguments do
seq4 <- rep(4, times=6)
seq5 <- rep(1:2, times=5)
seq6 <- rep(1:2, each = 5)
In R, mathematical operations on vectors are usually done element-wise, meaning the operation is done on each element of the vector.
Let \(x=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n\) and \(y=(y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_n)\) Then x*y
will return the vector \[(x_1 y_1, x_2 y_2,\ldots,x_n y_n)\]
For those that are familiar with vector operations this means that
for vectors in R is NOT the inner product, but element wise, and ditto for matrices.
And it’s similar for other operators. Look at how these mathematical operations work on vectors:
vec1 <- 1:5
vec2 <- seq(0.1, 0.5, by = 0.1)
vec1 + vec2
## [1] 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5
## [1] 0.10000 0.04000 0.02700 0.02560 0.03125
vec1 > vec2
vec1 < 5 & vec2 > 0.3
vec1 < 5 | vec2 > 0.3
Exercise 4
Create the following vectors.
# Insert code here
# Insert code here
# Insert code here
# Insert code here
# Insert code here
Python Users: Python and R have similar subsetting options, but have small differences in indexing for which you should take care! Please read this carefully!
Let’s use a integer vector example to show the differences.
vector1 <- 8:17
# the first element
## [1] 8
## [1] 17
Python Users: R starts at 1 while Python starts at 0. In python you would say
to get the first element andvector1[9]
to get the 10th value of the vector
## [1] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Python Users: Python uses negative indexing differently. For example,
refers to the last element of the vector. However, negative index in R returns the vector with indicated elements DELETED. In python the R code above would be give the last element, not delete the first one:
>>> vector1[-1]
## [1] 10 11 12 13
Python Users: When subsettting an vector using
, R subsets b-a+1 (i.e. includes all of the elements a through b) elements while Python takes out b-a elements (includes elements a+1 through b). In python you would need to dovector1[2:6]
to get these same values.
You can subset using non-consecutive integer vectors in the same way
# pull out the 1st and 5th elements of the vector
vector1[c(1, 5)]
## [1] 8 12
Python Users: In python you would do
vector1[[0, 4]]
to get these same values.
And using negative indices works the same way for vectors – this example removes the 1st and 5th element
# subsetting, noting (1, 5) here indicating the index instead of the values.\n",
vector1[-c(1, 5)]
## [1] 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17
You can also subset based on logical values as well, meaning if you have a logical vector of the same length as another vector, you can use it to subset to only the TRUE
values of your vector.
mylogical<-c(rep(TRUE, 3), rep(FALSE, 3), rep(TRUE, 4))
## [1] 8 9 10 14 15 16 17
Since vector1 > 5
creates a logical vector, I can use this to pull out entries of my vector greater than 5
# indexing using boolean operators
vector1[vector1 > 5]
## [1] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Python Users: In python you would do similar indexing,
Alternatively, you can also find the indices of the vector that satisfy the logical using the which
function. Here I find which of my vector values are even using %%
whEven<-which(vector1 %%2 ==0)
## [1] 1 3 5 7 9
I can then index with this vector of indices
## [1] 8 10 12 14 16
Note that I don’t have to have unique indices – I repeat the indices to get replicates of the values of the vector:
## [1] 10 10 9 8 11 9 9
The same indexing method works when assigning values, namely you can assign values to only a subset of the vector.
vector1 <- 1:10
vector1[1] <- 5
vector1[3:6] <- c(8, 8, 8, 8)
## [1] 5 2 8 8 8 8 7 8 9 10
You can also give names to each entry of your vector
## A B C
## 1 2 3
I can then subset the vector by a vector of characters giving the names I want
## A
## 1
## B C
## 2 3
. We give the function a vector of values we want to sample from, the size of the sample we want, and whether we want to sample with or without replacement. We also use the argument set.seed
so that in fact our random numbers will be the same every time we rerun this code, rather than varying (we will discuss this more in Lab 1).# Can put any arbitrary integer in set.seed and the random code that follows will always be the same:
# random sample 10 number from integers 1 to 10.
# WITH replacement
samples <- sample(x, size=500, replace = TRUE)
# WITHOUT replacement
sample.withoutrep <- sample(x, size=10)
## [1] 500
, min
, mean
, median
, var
, sum
## [1] 1
## [1] 100
## [1] 51.136
## [1] 53
## [1] 845.3041
## [1] 29.07411
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 1.00 25.75 53.00 51.14 76.00 100.00
Factors in R are vectors especially for storing categorical variable. While factors can seem like they are vectors of character values, in fact they are treated very different by R. By storing the values in a factor we are telling R to treat the values as categorical values, not as arbitrary strings. The implicit assumption is that there are only small set of discrete values the vector take on (small relative to the size of the data). The possible values that a categorical variable takes on are called levels in statistics.
It is very important for summarizing information and plot. Both numeric and character variables can be made into factors by the function factor
Here’s an example where we take character-valued vectors and change them into a factor.
# Create character vector
vec2 <- c('Fri', 'Thur', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thur', 'Mon', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Wed', 'Tue', 'Fri')
## Length Class Mode
## 13 character character
# Create character vector
vec2.fac <- factor(vec2)
## Fri Mon Thur Tue Wed
## 2 3 2 3 3
Notice how R treats the variable differently now that it’s a factor – the function summary
gives entirely different results for the factor vector as it does the character vector. In fact, summary
for a factor works like the function table
, which simply counts the number of times each unique entry is present.
# table of factor
## vec2.fac
## Fri Mon Thur Tue Wed
## 2 3 2 3 3
# table of character
## vec2
## Fri Mon Thur Tue Wed
## 2 3 2 3 3
# table of numeric
## 1 2 4
## 2 2 2
We can also create factors from numeric vectors. This may not feel intuitive – character values feel like they are naturally categorical. However, many times categorical variables might be encoded as numeric (e.g. 1=No, 2=Maybe, 3=Yes )
# Create numeric variable
vec1 <- c(3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2)
## [1] 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 2
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.091 3.000 3.000
Now convert it to a factor
# Convert it to a factor
vec1.fac <- factor(vec1)
## [1] 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 2
## Levels: 1 2 3
## 1 2 3
## 3 4 4
Again, notice how R treats the variable differently now that it’s a factor. This is important, because it doesn’t make sense to take the mean of categorical variables, even if they are encoded as numbers.
I can also give more informative labels to my factor:
# Convert it to a factor
vec1.fac <- factor(vec1, labels=c("No","Maybe","Yes"), levels=c(1,2,3))
## [1] Yes Maybe Yes Maybe No Yes Maybe Yes No No Maybe
## Levels: No Maybe Yes
## No Maybe Yes
## 3 4 4
We can check what the possible levels are and how many:
# give the levels of the factor
## [1] "No" "Maybe" "Yes"
# give the number of levels of the factor
## [1] 3
To count the number of occurrence of each level, we use function table
## vec1.fac
## No Maybe Yes
## 3 4 4
Note that you can also apply table
to non-factor vectors, and that works – the function transforms them to factors first, but without our nice mapping of the values to their labels that we created above.
## vec1
## 1 2 3
## 3 4 4
## vec2
## Fri Mon Thur Tue Wed
## 2 3 2 3 3
You can think data frame as a collection of vectors, each element of the vectors holding different types of data collected on the same observations. Data frames can be a mix of types of vectors (e.g. numbers and characters) and they are the main way to store data in R. Data frames can be manually created with the function data.frame
as shown in the following examples. But usually, we would read them from an external file files, as we’ll do later.
Python Users: A Data frame in R is very similar to Table in Python.
We will use examples of demonstrated in Data 8 below (LAB 3 and LAB 4)
When not specified, the function data.frame
will coerce all character variables to factors, which is usually right for characters. If you want to keep the strings as character variables, you need to specify stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Create a data frame from scratch (unusual)
imdb <- data.frame(Votes = c(1498733, 1027398, 692753),
Rating = c(9.2, 9.2, 9.0),
Title = c('The Shawshank Redemption (1994)', 'The Godfather (1972)',
'The Godfather: Part II (1974)'),
Year = c(1994, 1972, 1974),
Decade = c(1990, 1970, 1970), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Votes Rating Title Year Decade
## 1 1498733 9.2 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 1994 1990
## 2 1027398 9.2 The Godfather (1972) 1972 1970
## 3 692753 9.0 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 1974 1970
The data.frame
is generally thought of like a matrix, where the vectors (the different variables or attributes) are stored as columns and the observations in the rows.
# Get number of rows (observations)
## [1] 3
# Get number of columns (attributes)
## [1] 5
You can index them like a matrix too:
## Votes Rating Title Year Decade
## 1 1498733 9.2 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 1994 1990
## 2 1027398 9.2 The Godfather (1972) 1972 1970
## Title Decade
## 1 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 1990
## 2 The Godfather (1972) 1970
## 3 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 1970
But in fact they are not matrices, and they have some indexing options that don’t work for matrices. In particular, you can call up a column using a $
and the name of the column
## [1] "The Shawshank Redemption (1994)" "The Godfather (1972)"
## [3] "The Godfather: Part II (1974)"
All the tricks about indexing vectors will work for data frames (and matrices). For example, what do the following snippets do (in words)?
imdb[imdb$Rating > 9.0 & imdb$Decade == 1990, ]
## Votes Rating Title Year Decade
## 1 1498733 9.2 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 1994 1990
oldest_rating <- max(imdb$Year)
## [1] "The Shawshank Redemption (1994)"
We will go through a couple of basic plotting commands here. Specific types of plots have different commands, but most plotting commands share basic arguments for certain aspects of the plot, such as axis labels, titles, and so forth. Here are some important ones:
: Title of the plotsub
: subtitle for plot (below x-axis)xlab
: x/y axis labelxlim
: the limits (starting and ending values) for the x/y axis“,las
the orientation of the axis labelslty
the type of line (e.g. solid
, dashed
, dotted
the width of lines (>1 increases size, <1 decreases)pch
the type of point (see help of points
for the many options)col
color of the plotted images (e.g. “red”, “blue” – colors()
prints out all possible character names of colors you can give)cex
the relative size of plotting (>1 increases size, <1 decreases)A full set of the parameters can be found in the help for par
Not all of these parameters are applicable for any plot, often because they don’t make sense.
Plotting commands in R are generally of two kinds, the main plotting command, that sets up the axes, labels, etc and draws the plot and then plotting commands that can add on top of the existing plot.
Common main plotting commands are
– for scatterplots (and plotting of other objects)boxplot
– boxplotshist
– histogramsbarplot
– barplotscurve
– draw a functionCommon commands for adding features to a plot are:
– drawing lines connecting points (input vectors x and y and draw lines between each (x[i],y[i]) and (x[i+1],y[i+1]), in the order they are listed in the vector)points
– drawing points (input vectors x and y and draw point for each (x[i],y[i]) pair)legend
– add legend to plotabline
– draw a line on a plot based on an equation for a line. Useful for horizontal and vertical plots, but can draw arbitrary intercept and slope too.title
– add x/y labels, titles, subtitles, etc on top of existing plotaxes
– add axes (tick marks and their labels) to plotWe will go through three common examples, and you will see many more in future labs
The file baby.csv
contains data on a random sample of 1,174 mothers and their newborn babies. The column birthwt
contains the birth weight of the baby, in ounces; gest_days
is the number of gestational days, that is, the number of days the baby was in the womb. There is also data on maternal age, maternal height, maternal pregnancy weight, and whether or not the mother was a smoker.
We will read this data in
baby <- read.csv('baby.csv', header = TRUE)
## X Birth.Weight Gestational.Days Maternal.Age Maternal.Height
## 1 1 120 284 27 62
## 2 2 113 282 33 64
## 3 3 128 279 28 64
## 4 4 108 282 23 67
## 5 5 136 286 25 62
## 6 6 138 244 33 62
## Maternal.Pregnancy.Weight Maternal.Smoker
## 1 100 FALSE
## 2 135 FALSE
## 3 115 TRUE
## 4 125 TRUE
## 5 93 FALSE
## 6 178 FALSE
The command hist
is used to create histograms.
col="darkblue", # histogram color,
main = "Birth weights of babies",# plot title,
xlab = "Birth weights (in ounces)", # x axis label,
xlim = c(40, 180) # x axis range
I can also add a vertical line showing where the mean and median are on this histogram using abline
and the argument v
, for “vertical” (notice that I have to repeat the hist
command from above. This is because you can’t spread plotting commands across R chunks in a rmarkdown. If I was typing into a console, I could just type in the abline
command after my previous hist
col="darkblue", # histogram color,
main = "Birth weights of babies",# plot title,
xlab = "Birth weights (in ounces)", # x axis label,
xlim = c(40, 180) # x axis range
abline(v=c(mean(baby$Birth.Weight), median(baby$Birth.Weight)), lty=c("solid","dashed"), col=c("red","orange"))
legend("topright", legend=c("Mean","Median"), lty=c("solid","dashed"),col=c("red","orange"))
Notice in abline
I could give a vector of values I want for my vertical lines, and it makes a separate vertical line for each. Notice also that lty
and col
defines the type and color of the lines, and that by giving a vector to lty
and col
, the first value of lty
and col
is for the first vertical line in the v
argument, etc.
The legend’s first argument is the location (e.g. “topright”, “center”, “bottomright” etc). The second argument is the vector of characters that gives the text you want in the legend, and then the remaining commands describe what you want in front of this text. In this case, we want the text to correspond to different line types and colors, so we give it our lty
and col
values for each text element, and it draws lines with those colors.
** Exercise** Plot a histogram of the birth weights of the babies of the smokers, with meaningful labels, title etc.
We create scatter plots using the plot
plot(x=baby$Maternal.Pregnancy.Weight, y=baby$Birth.Weight,
pch=19, #colored in points
cex=.75, #smaller points
xlab="Maternal Pregnancy Weight (in lbs)",
ylab="Birth Weight (in ounces)")
I could chose to color some points differently. I could do this in two ways. The first is to give a vector of colors, equal to the length of x
and y
for each point. Here I give an example of plotting different colors based on the variable Maternal.Age
First I will make a variable that divides Maternal.Age
into three categories, <21, 21-35, 35+. I will use the function cut
ageBinned<-cut(baby$Maternal.Age, c(0,21,35,100))
## (0,21] (21,35] (35,100]
## 194 852 128
## [1] "factor"
Notice that the resulting variable, ageBinned
, is now a factor variable, classifying each observation into three categories.
Now I can use that to define colors. Suppose I want the colors for (0,21] to be red, (21,35] black and (35,100] green. If I make a variable with the three colors, in the order of the levels of my factor variable ageBinned
, I can do the following
## [1] "(0,21]" "(21,35]" "(35,100]"
## [1] (21,35] (21,35] (21,35] (21,35] (21,35] (21,35]
## Levels: (0,21] (21,35] (35,100]
## [1] "black" "black" "black" "black" "black" "black"
The vector ageColors[ageBinned]
has taken the vector of colors and repeated it for every value that matches it’s level (it’s using ageBinned
to do the repeated indices trick from above and so get replicated values of the colors in the right order). I can use this vector to tell the plot
command what colors to give to each observations.
plot(x=baby$Maternal.Pregnancy.Weight, y=baby$Birth.Weight,
pch=19, #colored in points
cex=.75, #smaller points
xlab="Maternal Pregnancy Weight (in lbs)",
ylab="Birth Weight (in ounces)")
legend("bottomright",legend=levels(ageBinned),fill=ageColors, title="Age of Mother")
Another way to change something about a small number of points, is to use the points
function to add points to the existing plot. Because it plots over the existing points, it will effectively replot the points you request. It’s a little less elegant, but can be useful to highlight a subset of values.
Here I will plot differently points with birth weight under 60oz. First I need to identify those points, using the function which
length(whLowBirth) #check how many observations that is
## [1] 2
baby[whLowBirth, ]
## X Birth.Weight Gestational.Days Maternal.Age Maternal.Height
## 860 860 58 245 34 64
## 923 923 55 204 35 65
## Maternal.Pregnancy.Weight Maternal.Smoker
## 860 156 TRUE
## 923 140 FALSE
This gives me the indices of the observations with low birth weight
plot(x=baby$Maternal.Pregnancy.Weight, y=baby$Birth.Weight,
xlab="Maternal Pregnancy Weight (in lbs)",
ylab="Birth Weight (in ounces)")
points(x=baby$Maternal.Pregnancy.Weight[whLowBirth], y=baby$Birth.Weight[whLowBirth],
cex=2, # Make the points BIG
title(sub="Highlighting in red low weight babies")
However, usually we do not create data frame manually by typing the information. We read data from external files.
A common task is to read in comma-deliminated files with read.csv
# Read csv files
twitter_follows <- read.csv("twitter_follows.csv")
## Followers Friends
## 1 LeoDiCaprio 14082200 142
## 2 SteveCarell 4607580 48
## 3 MarkRuffalo 2165110 1178
## 4 amyschumer 3452330 1931
## 5 TherealTaraji 3960390 702
## 6 Racheldoesstuff 31996 3341
## 7 IAMQUEENLATIFAH 6890940 458
We can also read tab-deliminated with read.delim
(these are often saved as .txt
files, but can sometimes be .tsv
# Read tab-delinated files
twitter_info <- read.delim("twitter_info.txt")
## Name Gender Medium
## 1 Leonardo DiCaprio LeoDiCaprio M Film
## 2 Steve Carell SteveCarell M Both
## 3 Mark Ruffalo MarkRuffalo M Film
## 4 Amy Schumer amyschumer F Both
## 5 Taraji P. Henson TherealTaraji F Both
## 6 Aziz Ansari azizansari M TV
## 7 Rachel Bloom Racheldoesstuff F TV
## 8 Queen Latifah IAMQUEENLATIFAH F Both
R can handle any kind of delimination via read.table
(both read.csv
and read.delim
are just special cases of read.table
), and has many options for dealing with common formatting problems.
We can also join data frames together that have at least one shared data attributes. In this case, both datasets have twitter information about actors, and we can match the actors in different datasets based on the attribute
# join the data frame info and follows into one data frame called twitter
twitter = merge(twitter_info,twitter_follows,by="")
## Name Gender Medium Followers Friends
## 1 amyschumer Amy Schumer F Both 3452330 1931
## 2 IAMQUEENLATIFAH Queen Latifah F Both 6890940 458
## 3 LeoDiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio M Film 14082200 142
## 4 MarkRuffalo Mark Ruffalo M Film 2165110 1178
## 5 Racheldoesstuff Rachel Bloom F TV 31996 3341
## 6 SteveCarell Steve Carell M Both 4607580 48
## 7 TherealTaraji Taraji P. Henson F Both 3960390 702
Notice that one of the observations in twitter_info
was not in twitter_follows
and was silently dropped. We could ask that all entries in either dataset be kept by setting all=TRUE
# join the data frame info and follows into one data frame called twitter
twitter = merge(twitter_info,twitter_follows,by="", all=TRUE)
## Name Gender Medium Followers Friends
## 1 amyschumer Amy Schumer F Both 3452330 1931
## 2 azizansari Aziz Ansari M TV NA NA
## 3 IAMQUEENLATIFAH Queen Latifah F Both 6890940 458
## 4 LeoDiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio M Film 14082200 142
## 5 MarkRuffalo Mark Ruffalo M Film 2165110 1178
## 6 Racheldoesstuff Rachel Bloom F TV 31996 3341
## 7 SteveCarell Steve Carell M Both 4607580 48
## 8 TherealTaraji Taraji P. Henson F Both 3960390 702
In this case, R adds in NA values for the missing entries.
There are many options for merge
, including if the two datasets have different names for the same attribute.
We can also write data frames to a file using write.table
. We can make them tab or comma deliminated by setting the option sep
, but there is a special function write.csv
for the special case of comma-deliminated.
# Write a data frame to csv
file = "twitter_follows.csv",
row.names = FALSE)
# Write a data frame to tab-deliminated
write.table(twitter_follows, sep="\t",
file = "twitter_follows.txt",
row.names = FALSE )
R provide another method for saving and loading R data. You can save(load) several R objects to(from) at the same timea binary file with the extension .RData
. And load them when you start a new R session in the future.
x <- 1:3
y <- list(a = 1, b = TRUE, c = "oops")
# save x, y
save(x, y, file = "xy.RData")
# load x, y
R provides methods to save the environment (all data, values, functions, etc.) in RData for future use. You could excute the code as follows, or click the save botton in the environment window to save and click the RData
files in the file window to load them.
# save the environment
# load the environment
While R comes with many functions, you can actually write your own functions.
You define a function in R using the command function
. The format is
nothing <- function(){
x = 4
Python Users: Unlike python, R is not sensitive to white space. Meaning you can tab or not as you like (though indenting is recommended for readability). Instead the brackets
{ }
define the limits of the function
You can now call your function
## [1] 4
Python Users: The same function in python would be defined as:
def nothing():
x = 4
return x
output = nothing()
Often you will want your function to take information from the user. This is done by defining arguments that the user can give in the function(...)
part of the call.
randMean <- function(data){
x = sample(data, size=50, replace=FALSE)
## [1] 54.28
Notice how I can use the variable data
in my function as if it has been defined – it will be whatever data the user gives.
I can also have multiple arguments. Here I will allow the user to also determine the sample size; only this time I will give a default value in my definition of the function.
randMean <- function(data, sampleSize=50){
x = sample(data, size=sampleSize, replace=FALSE)
randMean(data=samples) #should be same as above
## [1] 54.28
randMean(data=samples, sampleSize=20)
## [1] 51.35
Notice how because I set the seed I get the same answer (when sampleSize=50
) as before, even though I have a “random” sample.
In my function above, I have a problem – what if the data the user gives me is less than length 50? Since I’m sampling without replacement, this will be a problem. So I can add error handling using conditional statements. An “if statement” will evaluate a logical expression and do a series of actions if the expression is true; I can add an “else” which tells what to do if the expression is false.
randMean <- function(data, sampleSize=50){
if(length(data) < sampleSize){
stop("Input to argument data must be of length at least ", sampleSize)
x = sample(data, size=sampleSize, replace=FALSE)
## [1] 54.28
## Error in randMean(data = samples[1:10]): Input to argument data must be of length at least 50
Notice the function stop
– it will produce an error and kill the function. You can also use warning
to give warnings – notice the difference in the next function and how I changed the conditional statements:
randMean <- function(data, sampleSize=50){
if(length(data) < sampleSize){
warning("Input to argument data is longer than requested sample size. Will set to default of ", length(data))
x = sample(data, size=sampleSize, replace=FALSE)
## [1] 54.28
## Warning in randMean(data = samples[1:10]): Input to argument data is longer than
## requested sample size. Will set to default of 10
## [1] 55.4
Often we will want to repeat an expresion over and over again, but change the input into it each time. This is called iteration, and for-loops are a standard programming device for doing so. The basic idea is that you give a vector of values to the for loop, and for each element in the vector, the for loop will evaluate the expression on that element.
Here is a for-loop in R
for(animal in c('cat', 'dog', 'rabbit')){
## [1] "cat"
## [1] "dog"
## [1] "rabbit"
Python Users: This for-loop in python would be defined as:
for animal in make_array('cat', 'dog', 'rabbit'):
This means that for every element in the vector c('cat', 'dog', 'rabbit')
, the variable animal
was given the value of the element of the vector, and then the code beween the { }
is executed.
Here’s a more complex for-loop, that determines the sum and product of the numbers 1-10. It does this by defining variables it will at each iteration add (or multiple) the new integer to.
sum_10 = 0
prod_10 = 1
#loop over the integers 1-10:
for (i in 1:10){
sum_10 = sum_10 + i
prod_10 = prod_10 * i
## [1] 55
## [1] 3628800
Python Users: This for-loop in python would be defined as:
sum_10 = 0
prod_10 = 1
for i in range(1,11):
sum_10 = sum_10 + i
prod_10 = prod_10 * i
R has special additional functions that are used for iteration that we will learn about in future labs (sapply
, apply
, lapply
, tapply