Fitting a simple regression tree

First set the right working directory (you need to change the directory dataDir to the local directory in your machine)

dataDir <- "../finalDataSets"

We bring in the bodyfat dataset that we used in the regression chapter.

body = read.csv(file.path(dataDir, "bodyfat_short.csv"), header = T,stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

To fit a decision tree, we use the function rpart. rpart stands for recursive partitioning. It is available in the R package rpart

rt = rpart(BODYFAT ~ AGE + WEIGHT + HEIGHT + CHEST + ABDOMEN + HIP + THIGH, data = body)

For now we will focus on just visualizing the results, and then go back and explore the output rt more.

There is a built in plotting command for the output plot. This plots just the tree. If you want the labels plotted on top (and you do!), you have to then call text afterward.


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Now we will run rpart on the college data, to demonstrate how rpart handles categorical explanatory variables. First we read in the data:

scorecard = read.csv(file.path(dataDir, "college.csv"), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

We will convert the variable CONTROL into a factor. Recall that CONTROL is a categorical variable describing what kind of college the observation is.

scorecard$CONTROL<-factor(scorecard$CONTROL, labels=c("public","private","for-profit"))

We will now fit a very simple tree, with just two explanatory variables. This is not because this is the best way to fit a tree, but for illustration purposes we want to make sure that the resulting decision tree uses the categorical CONTROL variable.

collegeTree = rpart(RET_FT4 ~ TUITIONFEE_OUT + CONTROL, data = scorecard)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Remember that the plot of the tree doesn't actually show the names of the levels of the categorical variable, but instead uses “a”,“b”,“c”,… correponding to the levels of the categorical variable. We can find the levels of CONTROL and interpret that “b” corresponds to “private”, and “c” corresponds to “for-profit”.

## [1] "public"     "private"    "for-profit"

The illustrations of the tree are nice, but rather messy and hard to read. Moreover, it can be hard to remember whether you should go left or right when you satisfy the condition. And dealing with the levels of a categorical variable is quite difficult. We can see the “tree” structure in text format by using the print command on our output.

## n= 252 
## node), split, n, deviance, yval
##       * denotes terminal node
##  1) root 252 17578.99000 19.150790  
##    2) ABDOMEN< 91.9 132  4698.25500 13.606060  
##      4) ABDOMEN< 85.45 66  1303.62400 10.054550  
##        8) ABDOMEN< 75.5 7   113.54860  5.314286 *
##        9) ABDOMEN>=75.5 59  1014.12300 10.616950 *
##      5) ABDOMEN>=85.45 66  1729.68100 17.157580  
##       10) HEIGHT>=71.875 19   407.33790 13.189470 *
##       11) HEIGHT< 71.875 47   902.23110 18.761700 *
##    3) ABDOMEN>=91.9 120  4358.48000 25.250000  
##      6) ABDOMEN< 103 81  1752.42000 22.788890 *
##      7) ABDOMEN>=103 39  1096.45200 30.361540  
##       14) ABDOMEN< 112.3 28   413.60000 28.300000  
##         28) HEIGHT>=72.125 8    89.39875 23.937500 *
##         29) HEIGHT< 72.125 20   111.04950 30.045000 *
##       15) ABDOMEN>=112.3 11   260.94910 35.609090 *

This allows us to more precisely see how to traverse the tree, as well as the levels of the categorical variables.

(4698.255 + 4358.48)/17578.99
## [1] 0.5152022

We can look at the choice of where to prune the tree using the function printcp. This allows us to decide whether the default R value (0.01) was a good idea.

## Regression tree:
## rpart(formula = BODYFAT ~ AGE + WEIGHT + HEIGHT + CHEST + ABDOMEN + 
##     HIP + THIGH, data = body)
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
## Root node error: 17579/252 = 69.758
## n= 252 
##         CP nsplit rel error  xerror     xstd
## 1 0.484798      0   1.00000 1.01709 0.082285
## 2 0.094713      1   0.51520 0.55931 0.050360
## 3 0.085876      2   0.42049 0.48323 0.038202
## 4 0.024000      3   0.33461 0.38474 0.032989
## 5 0.023899      4   0.31061 0.37870 0.032727
## 6 0.012125      5   0.28672 0.36315 0.030400
## 7 0.010009      6   0.27459 0.37437 0.030582
## 8 0.010000      7   0.26458 0.37953 0.030954

Recall that printcp only prints out the results up to the value of cp given to the original call to rpart, in this case the default of cp=0.01. If you want to go beyond that value, you need to set cp higher in the original call to rpart.

Here we demonstrate changing the cp value to be slightly higher based on the results of printcp (though the difference between 0.0122 and 0.01 were probably not really very meaningful)

rtd = rpart(BODYFAT ~ AGE + WEIGHT + HEIGHT + CHEST + ABDOMEN + HIP + THIGH, data = body, cp = 0.0122)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12


We will not demonstrate classification trees using the the email spam dataset from the chapter on logistic regression.

## Warning: package 'DAAG' was built under R version 4.0.2
## Loading required package: lattice
spam = spam7

We again call rpart only now we need the additional argument method="class". This tells rpart to build a classification tree instead of a regression tree.

sprt = rpart(yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + make, method = "class", data = spam)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

We can similarly use printcp to evaluate the pruning of the classification tree.

## Classification tree:
## rpart(formula = yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + 
##     make, data = spam, method = "class")
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
## [1] bang    crl.tot dollar 
## Root node error: 1813/4601 = 0.39404
## n= 4601 
##         CP nsplit rel error  xerror     xstd
## 1 0.476558      0   1.00000 1.00000 0.018282
## 2 0.075565      1   0.52344 0.55047 0.015420
## 3 0.011583      3   0.37231 0.38941 0.013484
## 4 0.010480      4   0.36073 0.37728 0.013310
## 5 0.010000      5   0.35025 0.37452 0.013270

The results of printcp show that the prediction error is continuing to decrease up until 0.01. This indicates that we might want to try smaller values of cp in our definition of our classification tree, so that we can evaluate where a good stopping point is.

sprt = rpart(yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + make, method = "class", cp = 0.001, data = spam)

Now we can see the results beyond cp=0.01, and we can see that a smaller value will perform better.

## Classification tree:
## rpart(formula = yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + 
##     make, data = spam, method = "class", cp = 0.001)
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
## [1] bang    crl.tot dollar  money   n000   
## Root node error: 1813/4601 = 0.39404
## n= 4601 
##           CP nsplit rel error  xerror     xstd
## 1  0.4765582      0   1.00000 1.00000 0.018282
## 2  0.0755654      1   0.52344 0.55323 0.015447
## 3  0.0115830      3   0.37231 0.38665 0.013445
## 4  0.0104799      4   0.36073 0.38389 0.013406
## 5  0.0063431      5   0.35025 0.37397 0.013262
## 6  0.0055157     10   0.31660 0.35742 0.013014
## 7  0.0044126     11   0.31109 0.35576 0.012989
## 8  0.0038610     12   0.30667 0.34418 0.012810
## 9  0.0027579     16   0.29123 0.33094 0.012599
## 10 0.0022063     17   0.28847 0.33149 0.012608
## 11 0.0019305     18   0.28627 0.33094 0.012599
## 12 0.0016547     20   0.28240 0.33039 0.012590
## 13 0.0010000     25   0.27413 0.33039 0.012590

We can use a better value (0.0028) and refit our tree.

sprt = rpart(yesno ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + make, method = "class", cp = 0.0028, data = spam)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18

we can also make predictions from our decision trees. We'll demonstrate this for our classification tree, but the main workhorse is the function predict which can be used for any output of rpart, whether classification or regression trees.

First we need to make a data.frame with our new observation(s) we want to get predictions for. We only predict for a single observations, but you can make a data.frame with as many observations as you want predictions.

x0 = data.frame(crl.tot = 100, dollar = 3, bang = 0.33, money = 1.2, n000 = 0, make = .3)

Now we call predict, giving it our fitted tree along with the new data

predict(sprt, newdata=x0)
##            n        y
## 1 0.04916201 0.950838

The following code is copied over from the previous chapter (07), and calculates the confusion matrix for our data.

confusion <- function (y, yhat, thres)
    n <- length(thres)
    conf <- matrix(0,length(thres),ncol=4)
    colnames(conf) <- c("C0","W1","W0","C1")
    for ( i in 1:n)
        C0 <- sum((!y) & (yhat<=thres[i]))
        W1 <- sum((!y) & (yhat>thres[i]))
        W0 <- sum((y) & (yhat<=thres[i])) 
        C1 <- sum((y) & (yhat>thres[i]))
        conf[i,] <- c(C0, W1, W0, C1)
    c("","$\\hat{y} = 0$","$\\hat{y} = 1$"),
    c("$y = 0$",v[1],v[2]),
    c("$y = 1$",v[3],v[4])
  )    ,
  escape = FALSE

We can use our predictions and our observed data to calculate the confusion matrix for our classification tree:

y = as.numeric(spam$yesno == "y")
y.hat = predict(sprt, spam)[,2]
v<-seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.05) #a sequence of possible cutoff values
tree.conf = confusion(y, y.hat, thres=v)

We can plot the total errors (\(W1+W0\)) as a function of our cutoff threshold.

plot(v,tree.conf[,"W1"]+tree.conf[,"W0"], xlab="threshold", ylab="Total error", type = "l")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

makeConfMatrix(confusion(y, y.hat, thres=0.5))
## Warning in kable_pipe(x = structure(c("", "$y = 0$", "$y = 1$", "$\\hat{y} =
## 0$", : The table should have a header (column names)
\(\hat{y} = 0\) \(\hat{y} = 1\)
\(y = 0\) \(C_0=2624\) \(W_1=164\)
\(y = 1\) \(W_0=364\) \(C_1=1449\)

Random Forests

We use the package randomForest to fit our random forests. The syntax is very similar to that of rpart

## Warning: package 'randomForest' was built under R version 4.0.2
## randomForest 4.6-14
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
ft = randomForest(BODYFAT ~ AGE + WEIGHT + HEIGHT + CHEST + ABDOMEN + HIP + THIGH, data = body, importance = TRUE)

We chose importance=TRUE to have randomForest calculate importance measures for our variables for later use.

We can view a summary of our results:

## Call:
##  randomForest(formula = BODYFAT ~ AGE + WEIGHT + HEIGHT + CHEST +      ABDOMEN + HIP + THIGH, data = body, importance = TRUE) 
##                Type of random forest: regression
##                      Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 2
##           Mean of squared residuals: 23.04282
##                     % Var explained: 66.97

We can see these importance measures for each variable in our model.

##          %IncMSE IncNodePurity
## AGE     10.45760      1096.375
## WEIGHT  14.49798      1904.028
## HEIGHT  13.22469      1180.638
## CHEST   16.88800      3367.604
## ABDOMEN 35.83094      5681.652
## HIP     15.36587      2199.989
## THIGH   11.29928      1452.568

Again we can use the predict function to predict a new observations from our random forest

x0 = data.frame(AGE = 40, WEIGHT = 170, HEIGHT = 76, CHEST = 120, ABDOMEN = 100, HIP = 101, THIGH = 60)
predict(ft, x0)
##        1 
## 24.07606

We can similarly use random forests for classification. We need to make sure that our response (yesno) is a factor. Unlike building the classification tree in rpart, we do not have to explicitly mention method= class; the fact the response is given as a factor variable tells randomForest to use a classification forest as opposed to a regression forest.

sprf = randomForest(as.factor(yesno) ~ crl.tot + dollar + bang + money + n000 + make, data = spam)
## Call:
##  randomForest(formula = as.factor(yesno) ~ crl.tot + dollar +      bang + money + n000 + make, data = spam) 
##                Type of random forest: classification
##                      Number of trees: 500
## No. of variables tried at each split: 2
##         OOB estimate of  error rate: 11.76%
## Confusion matrix:
##      n    y class.error
## n 2645  143  0.05129125
## y  398 1415  0.21952565

Again, prediction is exactly the same using the predict function:

x0 = data.frame(crl.tot = 100, dollar = 3, bang = 0.33, money = 1.2, n000 = 0, make = 0.3)
predict(sprf, x0)
## 1 
## y 
## Levels: n y